Anime Police? Or Something of the Sort

Anime Police? Or Something of the Sort
Give Me One Good Reason Why I Shouldn't?!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Am I Currently Watching?

Ok I know I've been posting ALOT lately, I've just really wanted to catch up on all the things I've already watched this summer and am watching. So I decided to take this moment to quickly discuss what I've been watching this past Spring Season 2010, which has now carried over into my summer break.The show that I've been watching the longest is

Fairy Tail:
In which we are currently awaiting episode 33, out of a "supposed" 36, though it could be continued, which is HIGHLY possible.This particular picture is from the manga, but you get the point. Contrary to popular belief the manga is written by Hiro Mashima the same author/artist of "Rave Master", though many people originally believed it to be the same as "One Piece", but if you're looking for a good Shounen Show, then look no further, this is definitely one of the better ones in the past few years. Personally why I like this one is because the main character is female, but it still has that shonen-y adventure story feel and Lucy is heroine you can definitely love. The other characters are equally as important, with a fantastic supporting cast of characters, (Natsu, Happy, Grey, Ezra...etc) there have been many plot-lines and interesting back stories to follow.With the ending of episode 32 we close the back story of Loke/Leo the Lion and Lucy hints at the next story being about Ezra, though Ezra is such a mysterious character that I can't believe her story can be told in a measly four episodes. Though we'll have to wait and see. I'll give Fairy Tail a full critique (which will include my lovely thoughts on the amazing quality of the OST) once it's finished it's run, which could be in a few weeks, or as many people may hope, a few months.

The second show I've been keeping up with is

I chose to watch Durarara purely based off of the fact that I LOVED Baccano and everything about Baccano. Durarara was written by the same the author and I assumed it would be good. Also it was the most anticipated series of the winter 2009-2010, with good reason. I can't even begin to talk about this show, because there are about 10 plot-lines and 50 characters (I'm exaggerating...kinda) to keep track of...but if you can it's completely worth it. I really don't want to give ANYthing away until I actually give this the full review it deserves, so I'll say this...I'm awaiting episode 21 of 24 of Durarara and I am disappointed that there are only four episodes left because I'm THAT invested in the characters.
The next show is

Angel Beats:

I chose to watch Angel Beats solely because I'm fully obsessed CLANNAD and Key etc. I was REALLY nervous that Angel Beats would have a harem-y feel to it, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it does not have this at ALL. It's a very deep and passionate show about being satisfied with your life and much of the story revolves around Otonashi discovering not only his own past, but the pasts of his new found friends, as well as trying to figure out WHERE exactly he is. This show has a stellar Opening and Ending, which is always a great way to start and end a show such as this. Currently we are waiting for episode 10, which is actually going to be very interesting because episode 9 had such a character growth for Otonashi. It's a very heavy show so be prepared to cry and I am currently waiting for even more tears as the show comes to a close in the next few weeks.

Next is the show I've been watching with my friend Kelly

Working!!:Working is a perfect show to watch with people because it is so unbelievably crazy and goes beyond ridiculous. There are characters like Inami who punches boys and Souma who blackmails people with an adorable smile on his face, and many many more crazy characters, who our main character Takanashi (Katanashi as Taneshima calls him) has to deal with. This show is filled with extreme comedy and will have you laughing with your friends right up until the end. The characters each have their quirks and Kelly and I find all the characters to be lovable and great. The music is a perfect fit for this. As with all the show's I'm discussing tonight, I'm going to stop here, though there isn't much to spoil, because the episodes are a very week-by-week basis and easy to follow. Working!! was the perfect show to add to my line-up this past spring, because it had that humor that I was missing. With intense shows like Angel Beats! and Durarara! Kelly and I are always laughing our asses off each week with this show. I needed something with a little bit more humor. But I'll give this a better critique once it took reaches it's end a few weeks.

Finally we come to the sequels...

Hetalia World Series:

This picture honestly does not give any sort of representation of what this series is, I just really like it. Anyway, there isn't much to say about Hetalia. It's what it look like, a show about pretty boys, who represent their country in a stereotypical way. I've stuck with Hetalia not because it was my FAVORITE show ever...but because if I didn't I'd feel really out of the loop. Hetalia has been a phenomenon and I didn't really really notice until Anime Boston this year, when there were Hetalia cosplayers EVERYWHERE. Now I'm not trying to be negative about Hetalia, because I do love it, especially specific characters and I also love that it is so short. But I admit it definitely wasn't top on my list for Spring/Summer. Also another grievance I have...I hate that the episodes are inconsistent with coming on. I don't know if it's the website I use or if it actually comes out sporadically, but yeah. I get annoyed with that.

K-On!! (Season 2):I will willingly admit that I was SO EXCITED for K-On Season 2 because I adored the first season. This season hasn't been as good as the first, but it hasn't been bad. The thing I looked forward to the most was the new music, because I love the style of K-On!! music, yet season 2 has not delivered. With the exception of the ending song Listen!! there hasn't been much new music...or much new good music. (Though I love Listen so much that It makes up for it). I've really enjoyed continuing to follow the characters and the show keeps that "light" (no pun intended) feel it has. I've had a few laughs so far but it definitely is not as good as the first season. I'll give this more of a critique as it comes to a close. The first few episodes started out good and it's been at kind of a lull recently, so I look forward to seeing how the show closes.

So that's it, my initial feelings about what I've been watching. At some point I will post about Death Note, Special A and what I'm planning on checking out for Summer 2010. I'm playing catch up right now! Also as the spring comes to a close, I'll actually critique these shows in full depth.

Sokka asks: Don't you have anything better to do than sit around and watch cartoons all day?!?!

Answer: No

1 comment:

  1. HI RACHELLE!!! I am so glad to be able to learn about your adventures in anime . . . because I would never be able to hear about them otherwise right? But yay, you reviewed stuff that I have seen so I can talk about it (working anyone?) I think I have decided that Souma is my favorite character, he is so evil! Also in the end I just created my own gmail account because my old one was acting weird and I needed one for other reasons as well (youtube acting like a bitch is just one reason). Lastly I LOVE the picture at the top of everything, it is so amazing. LOVE YOU
