Anime Police? Or Something of the Sort

Anime Police? Or Something of the Sort
Give Me One Good Reason Why I Shouldn't?!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Introduction! Oh heyyyy

Welcome! Somehow you've stumbled upon my new blog! Sokka (in the picture on the left) poses a great question. Basically, here's what happened. It's summer vacation and I've been extremely bored. (Though what I SHOULD be doing is something similar to Sokka in my main picture. Going to the library and productive things like that. Productive? Who's productive?) So what do I do...well, I watch anime of course! So i decided to create this little review blog for a few reasons:

A). It gives me more of a reason to actually watch anime and express my opinions on said shows freely.
B). I can keep track of what I watched this summer.

Though you may assume that A is more important than B, I actually think that B could potentially make more sense, because I'm not actually expecting people to read this! But who knows maybe one day I'll be a famous blogger (bulls***)

Of course my opening page makes me seem like I'm going to be super intense about review which is just BLATANTLY not true. I'm pretty soft when it comes to actually giving reviews.

So just to give all you (invisible) people an idea of what kind of anime I like I will name a few of my favorite titles

1. Gurren Lagann
2. K-On (Both seasons)
3. Gundam 00, Gundam SEED
4. Baccano
6. Code Geass
7. Higurashi
8. Fullmetal Alchemist
9. Pandora Hearts
10. E's Otherwise

That pretty much covers alot of my favorite shows (I wouldn't dare say that Yu-Gi-Oh is a favorite! *le gasp*)

So I'm going to talk on this blog about what I've watched and what I'm looking forward to in the new line up for Summer 2010! (Also maybe an occasional life story, voice acting challenge etc)

Oh right! SHAMELESS PLUG, if any of you stumble upon this may know me as psychicchica578 on youtube... or maybe you HAVEN'T seen my youtube page and in that case...CLICK HERE



Answer: Boredom

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