Anime Police? Or Something of the Sort

Anime Police? Or Something of the Sort
Give Me One Good Reason Why I Shouldn't?!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Avatar: The Last Airbender Review...Yes I Went There

Ok... I know what you're thinking. Avatar isn't ANIME. And this is 100% true, it isn't an authentic anime...but one of the things that is so great about Avatar is that it ISN'T anime, but you still have that anime-feel to it. It was obviously created in America, but was based off of the anime-style.
At first, I was hesitant to start watching this show. It is TECHNICALLY a kid's show...but sometimes those are the best shows. (*cough Yu-Gi-Oh cough*) But in preparation for M. Night Shyamalan's creation of the "The Last Airbender" (The Avatar part was removed after a certain James Cameron film took over the world...) I kicked my summer off with Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender. I do admit that I expected this to be exactly what the label says: NICKELODEON'S Avatar: blah blah blah... BUT (<-- huge but there) I was pleasantly surprised. Everything about this show was so well thought out! The music, (loved being able to hear Taiko being played in an American show. YAY TAIKO) the plots, the characters, the humor, The character designs, (cute right?)Though as with all things, Avatar isn't without it's for instance, I did have a few issues with the voice acting and scripting, but IT IS a children's show, so you can't ask for everything. I also had issues with season 1 Zuko's hair...Ew

But all laughing and weird hair aside. I really really liked this show.

It's that time, sound the alarm, *SPOILERS* don't read beyond this point if you haven't seen all of this show!

Book 1: Water, is fairly boring in comparison to Book 2: Earth and Book 3: Fire. The humor, the characters and the plot just isn't as fully developed as the other two seasons, also the addition of characters like Toph, Azula and her band of cronies, etc, really just add more to the story and more conflict for the central characters. Where season 1 really shines is the final few episodes with the Northern Water tribe. Sokka is given some romance with Princess Yue of the Northern Water Tribe, which had it been a more adult show, I would've loved to have seen that fleshed out a bit more. There are also some great moments where Katara really shines, (Though one has to wonder how exactly she got THAT good at water-bending in a matter of 10-15 episodes). She has a fight with the Waterbending Master to prove that women can also be water benders. Power to Katara! Then as these episodes progress, the Fire Nation attacks and (as I will try to not give too much away) Aang is forced to fight in the spirit world etc etc. Now personally, if I had to choose a type of bending, I would most likely pick Waterbending. I think It would be extremely useful and awesome! I also love the culture and scenery of the Water Tribe especially in the North. I love Princess Yue's hair (random I know...but who WOULDN'T want their hair to look like that) and I loved that the entire town was made from ice. Though my favorite scene was the spirits oasis. Absolutely gorgeous!

Now seeing as the first "Airbender" movie is based off of this book, I personally must say I can't wait to see the sets and battles because I think they're going to look phenomenal.

Book 2: Earth, for me was all about the humor and character development. Which I adored because I'm all about the "character driven story". There wasn't as much plot development in this season. (Though this isn't saying that there was none!) We are introduced to new characters such as Toph! (Yay Toph). I was actually kind of sad when Toph was as I suppose one could say bratty, as she was because the idea for her character was extremely interesting. A blind girl who can "see" with the earth? What isn't to love? This season had me laughing my a** off throughout the entire thing.
Some humor highlights:

Episode 2 "The Cave of Two Lovers" Singing hippies, Sokka being stuck with said hippies in a cave...what more could you ask for?
Episode 11 "The Desert" The infamous cactus juice really is the quenchiest! Also Momo being "drunk" of off cactus juice. The friendly mushroom...this one is full of laughing goodies

Episode 15 "The Tales of Ba Sing Se" A collection of short stories about how our favorite characters are spending their days in the city of Ba Sing Se, some are funnier than others, comic relief Sokka's is obviously very funny. But this episode also shows us a very sensitive Zuko and a sad story about Uncle Iroh

Although this season is very light-hearted, it also doesn't fail to be heart-wrenching! With episodes like "Zuko Alone" we learn about Zuko's past and watch him suffer for being from the Fire Nation. This brings me to a quick...

SIDE NOTE: I love how in this show, although the "bad guys" are clearly the fire nation. We are still able to see how not all fire-benders are bad. Also it is made very clear that Aang must master fire-bending to defeat his enemy.

Anyway, There is also the episode that follows Appa's journey while he was kidnapped, which definitely brought out a few tears. Also this season's finale doesn't fail to deliver with a battle with Azula (the show's greatest villain in my opinion) and a betrayal that makes you question Zuko's entire character development thus far.Book 3: Fire, the last season, was a great mix of everything. Plot, Character, Humor, creating a collection of awesome. (for lack of a better phrase) This season also included the best re-cap episode I've ever seen. Retelling the entire show through a ridiculous play, where the characters are stereotyped. Brilliant. And of course Aang with hair.Right....

Well this final season...though I did feel it was rushed at the end. Was a great way to end the show (though I probably would've been satisfied with another season as well). I felt good about the relationships, minus ZukoxMai, not that I support ZukoxKatara, though I would prefer that over KataraxAang...wait screw it... The only relationship I was actually happy with was SokkaxSuki, but all pairing supporting aside, I was happy that relationship were wrapped up and that characters weren't left with unsaid feelings. Speaking of unsaid feelings...that was one of Avatar's main downfalls was that there really weren't any unsaid feelings. The characters pretty much laid everything out on the table for us. Zuko states at one point "I'M JUST SO ANGRY ALL THE TIME" Nothing is ever left unsaid. Though being a kid's's to be expected. The season itself was full of many things I was anticipating and waiting for. Like for instance, Zuko becoming Aang's fire-bending teacher (like that wasn't obvious from day 1) and SokkaxSuki (I know I know....I talk about them ALOT). Also this episode included my favorite episode with Azula, Ty Lee, Mai and Zuko taking a wonderfully socially awkward beach trip. That was fantastic. Also I loved being able to see the "teenager" side to Azula... She's not all bad...she's just crazy. (As seen in her final battle with Zuko, which was executed so perfectly...exactly what I was hoping for) Although continuing with the ending... it seemed rushed...all of a was time for the Comet and Aang to face the Fire Lord. (These statements are going off of assuming you've watched the show) Though Avatar does not fail to give us its sappy ending where Aang doesn't even kill the Fire Lord (murder is bad kids!) and gets his girl. Honestly, I wouldn't have had the ending any other way.

For a kid's show Avatar brought all the goods, probably one of the better American cartoons I've seen in years! I give it 5.5/6 Appa Paws. Why not perfect? Well scripting and voice acting could've been a tad bit better, but what can you do? It is a kids show. I know I keep saying that... but its a good a reminder that you can't expect REALLY adult plot lines and scripting to happen with a show like this. Take it like it is, expect it to be a goofy show with exceptional characters and ideas and go with it. I promise you'll like it. So that's it for my first review! I'll probably make edits to it as I re-read it.

Sokka says: You ramble to much.

....What can you do

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl!!! I just finished watching Avatar with the brother which means I was FINALLY able to read the review you wrote about it. I love you, I love your insights and I suuuuuper love Avatar. I miss you!
