Anime Police? Or Something of the Sort

Anime Police? Or Something of the Sort
Give Me One Good Reason Why I Shouldn't?!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wolf's Rain Review

The next show I decided to watch was Wolf's Rain. I'd been meaning to watch this show for awhile and my friend Melissa owned the box set so I figured I'd give it a shot. Of course, brief side note, I by accident broke a piece of her case and I felt so terrible about that I had hid the box from myself and stopped watching for about a week. Anyway, she said it was ok, I still feel terrible about it though... The good new is, I got to watch this show in really great quality and it was totally and completely worth it!

The first point I NEED to discuss about this show is it's absolutely gorgeous music. After the first few episodes. I was SCRAMBLING to get the OST. And honestly, if you don't feel like watching the show, you should at LEAST get the OST because it's unbelievable. Though I was severely unimpressed with the opening. For a show with such an amazing music, I wish the opening had been better. The ending grew on me. It took awhile, but then I felt better about it. Some of my favorites from the OST include:

"Hot Dog Wolf"
"Tsume no Suna"

But these are just three of many amazing songs!

This show is also jam-packed with many metaphors. Most of which I don't even think I can identify, (making this a very poor review), but the entire idea of what is paradise and what it means to reach paradise, is one the main themes that is present among the entirety of the show. It's also a show about friendships and how friendships grow and change over time. The show also subtly hints at how important it is to love your friends. There's also a stubbornness that is illustrated in this show. For example, Kiba's stubbornness to make it to paradise, the old man's stubbornness to kill the wolves...there are many examples of how being stubborn can be a good quality and also a bad quality.

Ok, can I just say that one of my favorite parts about this show was the fact that there were wolves?! I know, I know, I sound majorly stupid, but this show was like watching Balto (whose statue, located in Central Park, I just saw for the first time) , for adults. Cartoon dogs/wolves just make me really happy apparently. To be honest, though the art for these wolves was just fantastic. Absolutely beautiful and I loved the animation. I was actually extremely surprised by the animation, because I'd been hearing about Wolf's Rain for awhile now, so I guess I expected the art to have a more "classic" anime look rather than such a clear and crisp modern one. The colors complimented the show nicely as well, because the tones overall were fairly dull, but added to the dark atmosphere of the show.

It's about that time to talk about what I didn't like about this show. This has definitely been higher on the list of shows I've watched this summer (not that I've watched all that many) but, some of my main issues mostly were found in the back story and understanding of the main character Kiba. Kiba was obviously an extremely complex character, yet he was one I found difficult to understand. Though we did know a TINY bit about his was still unclear about WHO he was exactly and why he believed SO strongly in paradise and finding paradise. I just wanted a tiny bit more development from him, though I must say I was very pleased that he was played by Johnny Yong Bosch.

My other "grievance" with this particular series were the extremely extremely (that's two folks) unneccesery filler re-cap episodes. Now all of our favorite shows have THOSE episodes. The ones we all can't stand because its 20-25 minutes of reliving the first part of the series, which you most likely watched in one sitting. Right. But Wolf's Rain...had 4 IN A ROW! That's 4 recap episodes in a row, now there were differences to each re-cap and each one focused on a specific character. But in a show thats only 30 episodes was SO useless and a waste of time, when they could've moved the story along. Sure, the series would've been shorter, or maybe they could've used those episodes to explain something else. But NOT re-cap! Seriously...4...I understand 1 or 2, spread out through a series, especially a longer series like Gundam SEED or something that has multiple season. But for just really didn't work. I think I watched that disc for a total of 5 minutes.

But all anger for the re-capping aside, this show was unbelievably beautiful and it was hard not to fall in love with the complex characters. Although I did discuss my wanting to know more about Kiba, I will admit to also enjoying the mystery of his character. I loved Tsume, Toboe and Hige and watching the bonds and the friendship they discover grow. I don't want to give anything away, but the ending breaks your heart, especially because the viewer embarks on such a harsh and intense journey with these characters and follows them all the way to the very end. I will say that I cried a good three or four times while watching the final four episodes.

All in all, I found this show to be very enjoyable. It was a tad bit deeper than some of the shows that I've been watching recently and so I really enjoyed that it made me think and was a show I could really get involved with and try to comprehend everything that was going on it. I would definitely reccommend this show to others and I'm really happy that I took the time to watch it, I give it 5/6 Appa paws...why only 5? Well get rid of those re-caps and it may have won my full affections. Also sorry for the half-assed review. I still have to write three more of these...oops! I'm falling behind!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been tooling around on VH ( doing such shows as Sing It! Act It! Create It! Perform It! ETC. LOL so I've been busy with all of that, I haven't even finished any new shows!! *gasp* besides well, the shows that air weekly, like Angel Beats, Durarara and Working, which will all be getting reviews in this upcoming week.

Sokka: Way to take forever to do everything....

Me: I know... It's a problem...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Special A Review

Special A is what I like to call a "happy show" a real "feel good" experience. Also I was heavily reminded of Ouran. Perhaps it was the normal girl hangs out with a bunch of rich kids (where the boys are all hot). Well anyway, I had extremely high expectations for Special A, but I found it to be the opposite of what the title suggests. Not as Special A (s) expected.
Special A was your typical Shojo, High School romantic-comedy. A basic summary of the plot is this: a girl (Hikari) and a guy (Kei) have been competing since they were little, the girl is always loosing, but she never gives up. The show flashes forward and the main characters are now in school in the top 7 spots academically in their class. Of course our main boy, Kei is in the first spot and our main girl, Hikari is in the number 2 spot. Hence, anime style high school hilarity ensues.
Now although Special A is fairly stereotypical shojo anime, I did enjoy a few aspects of it. First of all, it was pretty funny, I definitely found myself laughing out loud at some moments! One of the things I really appreciated in this show was that it was the guy who liked the girl and not the other way around. Alot of times I find in these High school style anime's that the girl is always the one trying to get with the guy and the guy either doesn't like her or he is oblivious. So for me, it was a breath of fresh air seeing the guy be the one to really like the girl. Also it was just really cute! I just really became of fan of Hikari and Kei.Although this attraction was adorable. It posed a very interesting question for me...if he liked her so much why not let her win for once. (Spoiler alert from here on out) Hikari never once beats Kei, although I found this to be comical...I also really really wanted him to like let her win! Especially if he liked her, and would want to see her happy. Just a thought

The other characters, besides the main two, are also very adorable. We have Jun and Megumi, the very unique siblings. (Jun has a split personality and Megumi only writes on her notepad instead of speaking) Tadashi, the goofy carefree guy. Akira, Hikari's best girlfriend and finally Ryuu. Now, I'm not hear to talk about pairings I like, but honestly this show had the best collection of cute pairings! Besides the main KeixHikari, you also have AkiraxTadashi, which is portrayed so sweetly in the anime (Akira tells him she loves him and then runs away embarassed. Tadashi was my favorite guy in this show) SakuraxJun, which includes seeing Jun be awkward and sweet and this is also the first time we see his character's personality truly begin to develop. Finally there is YahiroxMegumi, which I WILL touch on in more detail later. The only one left out is Ryuu, who doesn't have a girl and therefore does not get to be a detailed as a character as some of the others. This was really disappointing for me that he was the only one left out. Also I felt they took to long to develop Jun and Megumi's characters. Though even without the development all of the supporting characters are extremely lovable

For some reason the most interesting episode to me was MegumixYahiro episode where she goes on a date with Yahiro, in hopes of keeping the SA alive. This episode was so interesting to me because it really showed the sweet and caring side to Yahiro, (though done in a very indirect way). We also got to hear Megumi's speaking voice (which is rare). I just thought this pairing came out of no where and yet somehow it worked SO perfectly for me. I seriously wish there had been more development in that relationship (though we do see them together at the end) I just think that more cute episodes like that, would've been nice. Though Akira and Tadashi and Kei and Hikari give the audience a ton to get excited about.
My final point to make before wrapping up is about the music. Whenever I'm watching a show, I try to notice the music and animation as being part of the show. Although the animation was fine in this show (fairly average at best) the music was so blah. It didn't really compliment the show in any sort of way. The opening and ending themes did not stick out to me, nor do I remember them being any good. The character designs are SO adorable though and the boys are sooo well-drawn!

To come to a close, Although the music and animation were mediocre, Special A has great characters and is DEFINITELY a character driven story, so if you aren't hooked by the characters, don't even try to wait around for a plot because it's not coming. Though there are story arcs and a general overlapping theme. Each episode definitely focuses on the characters. I loved all the characters, even the ones you thought you'd hate, you end up liking in the end (Yahiro FTW). If you like shows that have rich kids hanging out, doing nothing all day long and shows with adorable boys, this is definitely the show for you. If you like sweet, adorable and semi-comical romance, this show has got PLENTY of that. (makes ME happy) If you like Ouran High School Host Club, or pretty much any other high school anime, this is definitely a show to check out! Some how this review ended up being me talkAs for me I give it 4/6 Appa paws. Better than Death Note, DEFINITELY not as good as Avatar.

Sokka says: Of course it's not as good as Avatar, besides we don't got all that mushy stuff!

Response: oh yeah? even with Yue and Suki??


Stay Special ;)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Death Note Review

Death Note, Death Note, Death Note.
The SECOND show I decided to tackle was Death Note. Now to be honest...I was not sure what to expect with Death Note. I had previously read the manga and I decided that I had to check out the show. Death Note is infamously known for it's wonderful English dub which includes lines such as:

"Then I'll TAKE a chip and EAT IT!" Ohhhh Boy.

Though as bad as I was expecting the dub and the show itself to be, I actually ended up enjoying it. There were some amazing scenes and great dubbing moments especially by VA Brad Swaile (Light Yagami), there are some amazing crazy screams and maniacal laughter that Swaile delivers so well.

There are things about this anime that are well done and there are things about this anime that are not so great. (Like for instance the horrible opening and ending themes...seriously everything music related in this show...sucked. ) Major Spoilers from here on out. If you have not seen or read death note...avert thine eyes.

Well Done: Animation... Sort of...I had some moments where I really loved the animation. (Even though the animation when they were writing was extremely over dramatic... cue the lulz) favorite animation/overall moment in this show in general was at the very end...(and no it wasn't because I wanted the show to be over) While Light is running to his death he runs by a fence and the image of him walking by a fence with the Death Note for the first time flashes by and I found this image to be quite haunting and beautiful. Absolutely stunning.

To be honest, I'm really happy I read the manga of this particular series first before the show because the manga was so well done and kept me on my toes constantly that I found the show more bearable because I knew what was going on and I cared about the characters from a manga fan's perspective... but tp continue briefly discussing the ending... Everyone was outraged when L died and in the manga...I have to agree, in the manga when L died, it was sudden and definitely too soon! The introduction of Mello and Near took way too long and wasn't very believable. Yet, in the anime, I felt that L's presence was absolutely perfect. They brought Mello and Near in with just enough episodes to switch it up and keep the viewer engaged, though I do believe the manga had more character development with Mello and Near which I felt the show was GREATLY lacking in. Honestly, I know most people hate them, but I love Mello and Near. I LOVE L too, do not get me wrong, I just also liked the addition of these two characters as well. See the pretty manga picture: (Mello reminds me of Yzak, one of my favorite characters from Gundam SEED)
In touching on the manga v.s anime battle, one could not forget to mention the difference in the endings. In the manga, Ryuk kills light in the warehouse, instead of letting him run away for a bit. I have to say I enjoyed the anime ending a tad bit more, because it had more of a "dramatic theatrical" feel which I highly enjoyed. In general some people I know were disappointed that Light died, but I can't see it being any other way. He had too much power and too much knowledge, it was obvious that Light's character had to and deserved to break down. Also Brad Swaile's amazing laughs were epic. Great job Swaile.

It's about that time again for a...

SIDE NOTE: Alright something that has been bothering me about Death Note for a long time is the character of Matt and the pairing MattxMello. After reading the manga and STILL not knowing really who Matt's character was, I assumed that possibly his character was explained more in the anime...and that was where all this hype came from. Yet after all my watching...I STILL don't know who he is...who is this mysterious Matt person?!?!? And HOW did he get so popular!

Anyway... In conclusion, I didn't particularly like this show, I didn't particularly hate this show. I was happy I watched it, to compare it to the manga, but overall the manga was better (especially the art!! Light looks so much better in the manga ;) ) I definitely stayed interested throughout the show, but it's not my favorite. Though I do understand why the fandom is so big. My advice...pick up a manga and read that instead of watching.

Sorry this review was so short, I just didn't have much to say about this particular show! Hopefully I gave some insight, though it was shorter. Promise to do better for other things! Overall I give the Death Note Anime (note: anime...not manga) 3/6 Appa paws, because it held me interest, but was not the best show.

Upcoming reviews will include Special A, which I finished recently, as well as pre-reviews and thoughts on the Summer 2010 season. I am currently watching Wolf's Rain and To Aru Majustsu no Index, so expect reviews for those in the near future (hahah Near)!!

Sokka says: So a show about Death and killing people...that definitely doesn't happen on my show...

Answer: No shit...I'm into the big stuff now.


What Am I Currently Watching?

Ok I know I've been posting ALOT lately, I've just really wanted to catch up on all the things I've already watched this summer and am watching. So I decided to take this moment to quickly discuss what I've been watching this past Spring Season 2010, which has now carried over into my summer break.The show that I've been watching the longest is

Fairy Tail:
In which we are currently awaiting episode 33, out of a "supposed" 36, though it could be continued, which is HIGHLY possible.This particular picture is from the manga, but you get the point. Contrary to popular belief the manga is written by Hiro Mashima the same author/artist of "Rave Master", though many people originally believed it to be the same as "One Piece", but if you're looking for a good Shounen Show, then look no further, this is definitely one of the better ones in the past few years. Personally why I like this one is because the main character is female, but it still has that shonen-y adventure story feel and Lucy is heroine you can definitely love. The other characters are equally as important, with a fantastic supporting cast of characters, (Natsu, Happy, Grey, Ezra...etc) there have been many plot-lines and interesting back stories to follow.With the ending of episode 32 we close the back story of Loke/Leo the Lion and Lucy hints at the next story being about Ezra, though Ezra is such a mysterious character that I can't believe her story can be told in a measly four episodes. Though we'll have to wait and see. I'll give Fairy Tail a full critique (which will include my lovely thoughts on the amazing quality of the OST) once it's finished it's run, which could be in a few weeks, or as many people may hope, a few months.

The second show I've been keeping up with is

I chose to watch Durarara purely based off of the fact that I LOVED Baccano and everything about Baccano. Durarara was written by the same the author and I assumed it would be good. Also it was the most anticipated series of the winter 2009-2010, with good reason. I can't even begin to talk about this show, because there are about 10 plot-lines and 50 characters (I'm exaggerating...kinda) to keep track of...but if you can it's completely worth it. I really don't want to give ANYthing away until I actually give this the full review it deserves, so I'll say this...I'm awaiting episode 21 of 24 of Durarara and I am disappointed that there are only four episodes left because I'm THAT invested in the characters.
The next show is

Angel Beats:

I chose to watch Angel Beats solely because I'm fully obsessed CLANNAD and Key etc. I was REALLY nervous that Angel Beats would have a harem-y feel to it, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it does not have this at ALL. It's a very deep and passionate show about being satisfied with your life and much of the story revolves around Otonashi discovering not only his own past, but the pasts of his new found friends, as well as trying to figure out WHERE exactly he is. This show has a stellar Opening and Ending, which is always a great way to start and end a show such as this. Currently we are waiting for episode 10, which is actually going to be very interesting because episode 9 had such a character growth for Otonashi. It's a very heavy show so be prepared to cry and I am currently waiting for even more tears as the show comes to a close in the next few weeks.

Next is the show I've been watching with my friend Kelly

Working!!:Working is a perfect show to watch with people because it is so unbelievably crazy and goes beyond ridiculous. There are characters like Inami who punches boys and Souma who blackmails people with an adorable smile on his face, and many many more crazy characters, who our main character Takanashi (Katanashi as Taneshima calls him) has to deal with. This show is filled with extreme comedy and will have you laughing with your friends right up until the end. The characters each have their quirks and Kelly and I find all the characters to be lovable and great. The music is a perfect fit for this. As with all the show's I'm discussing tonight, I'm going to stop here, though there isn't much to spoil, because the episodes are a very week-by-week basis and easy to follow. Working!! was the perfect show to add to my line-up this past spring, because it had that humor that I was missing. With intense shows like Angel Beats! and Durarara! Kelly and I are always laughing our asses off each week with this show. I needed something with a little bit more humor. But I'll give this a better critique once it took reaches it's end a few weeks.

Finally we come to the sequels...

Hetalia World Series:

This picture honestly does not give any sort of representation of what this series is, I just really like it. Anyway, there isn't much to say about Hetalia. It's what it look like, a show about pretty boys, who represent their country in a stereotypical way. I've stuck with Hetalia not because it was my FAVORITE show ever...but because if I didn't I'd feel really out of the loop. Hetalia has been a phenomenon and I didn't really really notice until Anime Boston this year, when there were Hetalia cosplayers EVERYWHERE. Now I'm not trying to be negative about Hetalia, because I do love it, especially specific characters and I also love that it is so short. But I admit it definitely wasn't top on my list for Spring/Summer. Also another grievance I have...I hate that the episodes are inconsistent with coming on. I don't know if it's the website I use or if it actually comes out sporadically, but yeah. I get annoyed with that.

K-On!! (Season 2):I will willingly admit that I was SO EXCITED for K-On Season 2 because I adored the first season. This season hasn't been as good as the first, but it hasn't been bad. The thing I looked forward to the most was the new music, because I love the style of K-On!! music, yet season 2 has not delivered. With the exception of the ending song Listen!! there hasn't been much new music...or much new good music. (Though I love Listen so much that It makes up for it). I've really enjoyed continuing to follow the characters and the show keeps that "light" (no pun intended) feel it has. I've had a few laughs so far but it definitely is not as good as the first season. I'll give this more of a critique as it comes to a close. The first few episodes started out good and it's been at kind of a lull recently, so I look forward to seeing how the show closes.

So that's it, my initial feelings about what I've been watching. At some point I will post about Death Note, Special A and what I'm planning on checking out for Summer 2010. I'm playing catch up right now! Also as the spring comes to a close, I'll actually critique these shows in full depth.

Sokka asks: Don't you have anything better to do than sit around and watch cartoons all day?!?!

Answer: No

Avatar: The Last Airbender Review...Yes I Went There

Ok... I know what you're thinking. Avatar isn't ANIME. And this is 100% true, it isn't an authentic anime...but one of the things that is so great about Avatar is that it ISN'T anime, but you still have that anime-feel to it. It was obviously created in America, but was based off of the anime-style.
At first, I was hesitant to start watching this show. It is TECHNICALLY a kid's show...but sometimes those are the best shows. (*cough Yu-Gi-Oh cough*) But in preparation for M. Night Shyamalan's creation of the "The Last Airbender" (The Avatar part was removed after a certain James Cameron film took over the world...) I kicked my summer off with Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender. I do admit that I expected this to be exactly what the label says: NICKELODEON'S Avatar: blah blah blah... BUT (<-- huge but there) I was pleasantly surprised. Everything about this show was so well thought out! The music, (loved being able to hear Taiko being played in an American show. YAY TAIKO) the plots, the characters, the humor, The character designs, (cute right?)Though as with all things, Avatar isn't without it's for instance, I did have a few issues with the voice acting and scripting, but IT IS a children's show, so you can't ask for everything. I also had issues with season 1 Zuko's hair...Ew

But all laughing and weird hair aside. I really really liked this show.

It's that time, sound the alarm, *SPOILERS* don't read beyond this point if you haven't seen all of this show!

Book 1: Water, is fairly boring in comparison to Book 2: Earth and Book 3: Fire. The humor, the characters and the plot just isn't as fully developed as the other two seasons, also the addition of characters like Toph, Azula and her band of cronies, etc, really just add more to the story and more conflict for the central characters. Where season 1 really shines is the final few episodes with the Northern Water tribe. Sokka is given some romance with Princess Yue of the Northern Water Tribe, which had it been a more adult show, I would've loved to have seen that fleshed out a bit more. There are also some great moments where Katara really shines, (Though one has to wonder how exactly she got THAT good at water-bending in a matter of 10-15 episodes). She has a fight with the Waterbending Master to prove that women can also be water benders. Power to Katara! Then as these episodes progress, the Fire Nation attacks and (as I will try to not give too much away) Aang is forced to fight in the spirit world etc etc. Now personally, if I had to choose a type of bending, I would most likely pick Waterbending. I think It would be extremely useful and awesome! I also love the culture and scenery of the Water Tribe especially in the North. I love Princess Yue's hair (random I know...but who WOULDN'T want their hair to look like that) and I loved that the entire town was made from ice. Though my favorite scene was the spirits oasis. Absolutely gorgeous!

Now seeing as the first "Airbender" movie is based off of this book, I personally must say I can't wait to see the sets and battles because I think they're going to look phenomenal.

Book 2: Earth, for me was all about the humor and character development. Which I adored because I'm all about the "character driven story". There wasn't as much plot development in this season. (Though this isn't saying that there was none!) We are introduced to new characters such as Toph! (Yay Toph). I was actually kind of sad when Toph was as I suppose one could say bratty, as she was because the idea for her character was extremely interesting. A blind girl who can "see" with the earth? What isn't to love? This season had me laughing my a** off throughout the entire thing.
Some humor highlights:

Episode 2 "The Cave of Two Lovers" Singing hippies, Sokka being stuck with said hippies in a cave...what more could you ask for?
Episode 11 "The Desert" The infamous cactus juice really is the quenchiest! Also Momo being "drunk" of off cactus juice. The friendly mushroom...this one is full of laughing goodies

Episode 15 "The Tales of Ba Sing Se" A collection of short stories about how our favorite characters are spending their days in the city of Ba Sing Se, some are funnier than others, comic relief Sokka's is obviously very funny. But this episode also shows us a very sensitive Zuko and a sad story about Uncle Iroh

Although this season is very light-hearted, it also doesn't fail to be heart-wrenching! With episodes like "Zuko Alone" we learn about Zuko's past and watch him suffer for being from the Fire Nation. This brings me to a quick...

SIDE NOTE: I love how in this show, although the "bad guys" are clearly the fire nation. We are still able to see how not all fire-benders are bad. Also it is made very clear that Aang must master fire-bending to defeat his enemy.

Anyway, There is also the episode that follows Appa's journey while he was kidnapped, which definitely brought out a few tears. Also this season's finale doesn't fail to deliver with a battle with Azula (the show's greatest villain in my opinion) and a betrayal that makes you question Zuko's entire character development thus far.Book 3: Fire, the last season, was a great mix of everything. Plot, Character, Humor, creating a collection of awesome. (for lack of a better phrase) This season also included the best re-cap episode I've ever seen. Retelling the entire show through a ridiculous play, where the characters are stereotyped. Brilliant. And of course Aang with hair.Right....

Well this final season...though I did feel it was rushed at the end. Was a great way to end the show (though I probably would've been satisfied with another season as well). I felt good about the relationships, minus ZukoxMai, not that I support ZukoxKatara, though I would prefer that over KataraxAang...wait screw it... The only relationship I was actually happy with was SokkaxSuki, but all pairing supporting aside, I was happy that relationship were wrapped up and that characters weren't left with unsaid feelings. Speaking of unsaid feelings...that was one of Avatar's main downfalls was that there really weren't any unsaid feelings. The characters pretty much laid everything out on the table for us. Zuko states at one point "I'M JUST SO ANGRY ALL THE TIME" Nothing is ever left unsaid. Though being a kid's's to be expected. The season itself was full of many things I was anticipating and waiting for. Like for instance, Zuko becoming Aang's fire-bending teacher (like that wasn't obvious from day 1) and SokkaxSuki (I know I know....I talk about them ALOT). Also this episode included my favorite episode with Azula, Ty Lee, Mai and Zuko taking a wonderfully socially awkward beach trip. That was fantastic. Also I loved being able to see the "teenager" side to Azula... She's not all bad...she's just crazy. (As seen in her final battle with Zuko, which was executed so perfectly...exactly what I was hoping for) Although continuing with the ending... it seemed rushed...all of a was time for the Comet and Aang to face the Fire Lord. (These statements are going off of assuming you've watched the show) Though Avatar does not fail to give us its sappy ending where Aang doesn't even kill the Fire Lord (murder is bad kids!) and gets his girl. Honestly, I wouldn't have had the ending any other way.

For a kid's show Avatar brought all the goods, probably one of the better American cartoons I've seen in years! I give it 5.5/6 Appa Paws. Why not perfect? Well scripting and voice acting could've been a tad bit better, but what can you do? It is a kids show. I know I keep saying that... but its a good a reminder that you can't expect REALLY adult plot lines and scripting to happen with a show like this. Take it like it is, expect it to be a goofy show with exceptional characters and ideas and go with it. I promise you'll like it. So that's it for my first review! I'll probably make edits to it as I re-read it.

Sokka says: You ramble to much.

....What can you do

Introduction! Oh heyyyy

Welcome! Somehow you've stumbled upon my new blog! Sokka (in the picture on the left) poses a great question. Basically, here's what happened. It's summer vacation and I've been extremely bored. (Though what I SHOULD be doing is something similar to Sokka in my main picture. Going to the library and productive things like that. Productive? Who's productive?) So what do I do...well, I watch anime of course! So i decided to create this little review blog for a few reasons:

A). It gives me more of a reason to actually watch anime and express my opinions on said shows freely.
B). I can keep track of what I watched this summer.

Though you may assume that A is more important than B, I actually think that B could potentially make more sense, because I'm not actually expecting people to read this! But who knows maybe one day I'll be a famous blogger (bulls***)

Of course my opening page makes me seem like I'm going to be super intense about review which is just BLATANTLY not true. I'm pretty soft when it comes to actually giving reviews.

So just to give all you (invisible) people an idea of what kind of anime I like I will name a few of my favorite titles

1. Gurren Lagann
2. K-On (Both seasons)
3. Gundam 00, Gundam SEED
4. Baccano
6. Code Geass
7. Higurashi
8. Fullmetal Alchemist
9. Pandora Hearts
10. E's Otherwise

That pretty much covers alot of my favorite shows (I wouldn't dare say that Yu-Gi-Oh is a favorite! *le gasp*)

So I'm going to talk on this blog about what I've watched and what I'm looking forward to in the new line up for Summer 2010! (Also maybe an occasional life story, voice acting challenge etc)

Oh right! SHAMELESS PLUG, if any of you stumble upon this may know me as psychicchica578 on youtube... or maybe you HAVEN'T seen my youtube page and in that case...CLICK HERE



Answer: Boredom